Absynth - One More Time

Album Cover

Album Cover


Friday, 16 December 2011

Note to the Moderator

Dear Moderator,

Thankyou for taking your time to look around my blog and I hope you enjoy all the hard work i've put in to it. I have linked my blog to the group blog and also to Narishma, Sam and Jess's blogs (look right) to allow easy navigation. The same links are also present in the other group/individual blogs. Our class/teacher blog is also located under Latymer Media Music Video Blog and this allows navigation between all the blogs included in my year.

My blog contains all the evidence of research, planning, production and evaluation, whether its theory/theorist evidence, continuity/discontinuity applications, location research or inspirations. Labels have been used to identify these various categories.

On the group blog you will see individual named Labels, for example all of my posts are labelled Alex and this will help you identify the posts which I am involved in on the group blog.

Kind Regards,
Alexander Thoupos (3835)