Absynth - One More Time

Album Cover

Album Cover


Monday 4 July 2011

Music Video Prelim Task

This is our group's prelim lip sync for 'Everybody Get Up - Five'

Evaluation/ What to improve on
I extremely enjoyed the production process and the creativity we were given in which to produce our prelim lip synch. I find the song very exciting/upbeat and 5ive played a role in my childhood (along with Shaggy, Busted and Blue) so I could relate to the song.

I put 100% effort into learning the lyrics and giving a realistic/entertaining unique performance, although the production process (from filming to uploading) took just roughly three hours.

I’ve learnt that I need to practice facial expressions between now and the shoot, as although I show plenty of emotion and an Oscar-winning performance; my face is rather lifeless at times. I also realised that I should work on the ‘one…two…three…four’ part of the dance as it seems kinda robotic; however I could just add more upper-body movements.

If there was a word-limit I’d fail, but….
….I believe that throughout this year, I have adapted well to the life of Media Studies. I have always completed all media work set with great effort and plan on continuing this trend. I’d like a chance to prove that I can give a good performance, as I have in particular a good sense of rhythm and the talent to quickly remember song lyrics (audio learner). Therefore, I’d like a role in the band. Preferably, a main singing role however Scott/Sean/Ritchie are fine by me (I have completely learnt the words for both Abs' and J's verses). I am almost certainly going to cut my hair between now and the shoot as it’s getting pretty long and this would look better if I were to get a band role. I am also over 6'1'' in height :), which is fairly important as the actor should be reasonably tall, but also look as old as possible. I am willing to spray my hair darker if need be. I believe I have the personality/charisma to be part of a boy band and I’d be willing to make a fool of myself to give a great/realistic performance.